Deorcost Tabletop RPG Campaign

Private repository of game information related to my campaign Deorcost. The story is written by all who participate.

Scroll down for Episode notes. I'm slowly putting them into narrative form, but the process is incomplete1. For other Deorcost game resources, see pages for Player-characters, Non-player Characters, Treasure, Monsters, and Campaign Maps.

For a cultured page of general RPG resources visit my DC D&D page

Next Session: TBD (6:30pm - 9:30pm)

  1. Episodes 1 through 13, and Episodes 21 through 37 are in narrative form. I am slowly converting the others. 

The party receives their promised reward, and in secret, an opportunity. As they are being lead to freedom outside the walls of Edhen, they decide instead to escape and remain.

A deal is struck between the Elves and the party: mercenary work for treasure and freedom. But their methods of delivering the party to their work make the party feel confused and used.